Probably for the starters on self drive or the “I DONT CARE” road trippers will probably get bad results of a self drive trip. Some think that because they have paid their money and think its real too much, they expect everything smooth, they probably think their scope of work ends at just driving and negotiating the corners and buum, you are at your destination. They forget its more than just that. The love to being behind the wheels, willingness to pay for the car rental and a peace of mind. If you think the car rental price is high, try bargaining for a better price or more so a discount. If this is imposible, try other rental agencies, you never know you could get a better deal with them, the point here is not start your trip with groomy faces. It is adventure and meant to be happy. You need to love this, not when a simple problem and you have to call the car rental agency miles away to help you, just like changing a flat tyre. This can be part of you and the adventuire.

So if you you’re looking for on your next self drive in Uganda is clear and you made up your mind about this, here are some tips to maintain the romance while minimizing the hickups of the road.

1. Clean your car before and during your trip.
Most car rental agencies hand over the cars very thouroughly cleaned, in and out the vehicle. And as well when already on the drive at your next stop, consider removing and emptying the trash in the car like the biscuit wraps, banana peels and any trash you don’t need or re use. Having a dirty car is nagging and you wont fall in love with it. If you can find washing bays in a place you will stay for a while, consider washing the car. There is nothing responsible like driving a clean car.

  1. Have a loose plan.
    Delays are the one thing that you can count on when driving significant distances. Road Works Ahead, un noticed bumps and not forgetting traffic to especially towards towns. Consider distance to be covered from one destination to the other. It is actually annoying trying to cancel one hotel reservation so you can pay for another well short of your originally planned destination. Yes you can cancel but with a short notice of less three days, you could have nothing refunded. Read and draw a map plan, or follow any arranged route plans designed by some of these car rental companies like Auto rental Uganda. However having no plan at all is only recommended for the most hardy souls.
  2. Get off the highways

Unless you have a specific destination and a strict schedule, there is little point in hitting the roads to see the country if you don’t spend some time on the back roads. However, some of these roads are not in perfect conditions, the hard souls and more experienced drivers can do this. It is very interesting to hit on the road and not know what to expect there not until you are there. Plan properl for that time. If you intend on doing such on the next off highway road, include an average time for that, otherwise tht will affect your travelling schedule. Recomendable that while on these roads and you realise an impassable road, retreat and get back to the highway.

Anticipate trouble spots.

If you are travelling long miles on a road trip, it’s not hard to find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, like trying to cross the river nile at murchsion falls and sleeping at fortmurchsion, or driving to Kidepo valley national park without anticipating the river floods that might occur not forgetting the rush hours. The murchsion ferry stops operstion at 7pm, past that time you can cross unless you pay a special crossing fee and if you are heading to go through the northern tangi gate, trust me it wont get out as good as you expected it. There is a distance to cover even after the ferry crossing.
6. Tendencies to division of labor.
Many people will say are good at navigating, others cant even read a map not even read a GPS. Some people are good at planning meals, while others are good at setting up tents or cleaning up dishes in case of camping. Its better you Know who does what well, and what really matters to your traveling companions, and you will get things done efficiently and to the satisfaction of all. That amzing adventure awauts you.

  1. Supplement your cell phone with a phone card.
    If you intend to travel a long time in the country that just 3 days around town, and more still a few days, make sure you have a local simcard and phone with you. Either decide to rent a phone, or just buy a simcard for your phone. Some car rental companies provide a phone and sim card rented at just $1 per day, This is very essencial when you have a problem along the way on your self drive in Uganda upcountry. The rental agencies usually have a way out to get you going still nomatter the problem. And in any case of accidents, it is essencial you call the agency, and inform the insuarance company.
  2. Have your documents and a clean record.
    Very recommendable you travel with your current documents. If you are traveling without current documentation of license, registration or insurance, you could be in for a world of hurt if you are pulled over for any reason. Crossing bounderies of countries will require the original documents. However always keep these documents very close to you as possible.10. Carefully select where and when to pull over or and Park

In most cases, when driving you actually need to pull over either for a bush pee or stretch abit. However it is very essencial to stop at the right spot. Consider if you are a foreigner and “muzungu” for that case, expect a lot of people coming around you. Kids and old people. Like in any other countries there are few criminals that will strike at any chances given. So select well where you stop for your break. As well keep a watch to where you park your car for the overnight.

Here’s to wishing that this a few highlights on self drive in Uganda finds you on the perfect mind and help you discover this pearl of Africa.