This is also another Islamic state found in the Northern part of this continent.Initially, these two countries of Sudan and South Sudan were together in one country until recently when Southern part of the country decided to secede from the Northern part citing un equal distribution of resources particularly proceeds from the oil deposits which are mainly found in their region yet benefitting only the northern region hence the secession in 2013.
Sudan is moderately developed in relation to their neighbours.The main stumbling block to any visitor to this country is the language barrier. Since this is an Islamic state so Arabic is the lingua-franca and a few of the local languages. It’s very hard to find someone speaking English on the streets of this country.
Just like other countries, it’s also imperative to first consult your government opinion on your planned visit to this state as there are various areas in this country that are on a “don’t go “list of most countries. Areas like Darfur have been in the centre of civil wars since time immemorial. Many people in this area and those at the border of Eritrea have never tasted freedom and peace for many years so when you happen to go to such areas, you are doomed for instabilities.
The general road conditions in Sudan are a night mare, poor driving etiquettes; it’s a normal situation scenario to find animals and pedestrians just in the middle of the road moving majestically thus a menace to the road users. Drivers will routinely ignore rules of the road and you should drive cautiously and defensively and always expect the unexpected. Driving at night is dangerous and should be avoided if possible.
Sudan is mainly a sandy country so expect sand storms any time of the day and this can be deterrent to you especially when driving since it can reduce your visibility. There is carjacking on the rise in this country. Driving under the influence of alcohol carries stiff penalties including fines, jail sentences, and even corporal punishment. Sudan is a challenging self driving country and you should limit driving to daytime and main routes only.
There are only two international foreign companies that offer car hire services in Sudan and these are Sixt and Europcar which have branches in Khartoum.However, all these companies do not allow their cars to be driven to any other country out of Sudan. There is no local company offering car hire services in Sudan.